Hi All!
I am safe and sound after this long trip :)
The flight to Amsterdam was amazing, they had surprisingly really good food. Also, they gave us hot towels that nobody knew what to do with. Each seat had its won screen in front and you could watch any movies, tv shows, or play games for free. I was in the process of trying to learn some Dutch...haha that program did not help.
I only slept on the flight from amsterdam to madrid for one hour. Then I took a taxi to ther bus station. tHe driver was very nice and interesting, he was talking to me the whole time. He couldn´t figure out where I was from. I guess I have an odd Spanish accent...or lack of one.
I had to wait at the bus station for two hours by myself, which was a little sketchy but it worked out fine, I kept my luggage close. Another short taxi to the host family´s and I could finally shower! Gosh, I felt so gross. I then met my roommate and the family who are all very welcoming. Then, we took a tour around Valladolid. I finally went to bed around 10 Spain time, which is 7 hours ahead of central time. I´m glad I do not have jet lag!
Today we went to the school for orientation and went on yet another tour of Valladolid. Tonight I will go to la misa and then meet the rest of the classmates at a bar to watch the soccer match, which will be crazy. There is a plaza where they have a huge screen for everybody to watch.
Also, there is no air conditioning anywhere and its about 90 degrees outside.
The people are always all dressed up and stylish. They rarely wear even jeans.
The city is very old and beautiful, it is full of huge, gorgeous churches and old building. The host family gave us a tour and told us all about the history. It is truly amazing!
Our school is an old bull-fighting rink that has been remodeled.
I´m excited to watch the world cup tonight, the entire city will be watching. I am getting a phone tomorrow since they are not open on sundays.
I will take more pictures and put them up when I can, we do not have wireless at home so I must wait till I am in the school :)
LOVE you all!